Well this week, or should I say the end of the week has been about hot, hot, hot!!! Funny isn’t it. We all moan about how cold and miserable it is and then suddenly “it’s too hot!”. To be honest, running in these temperatures has been a shock to the system for many... feel sorry for all those folks at Edinburgh Marathon who will certainly have had to adjust pacing and hydration strategies.
My training is back on track. I have been really pushing myself with tempo running, intervals and lots of hills. All the speed and hill work has left me somewhat jaded. It certainly stresses the system.
Yesterday I went out early and ran 18 miles at 7:30 pace with no liquid. It was a little ‘test’. Not one that I recommend anyone else to take.... I was doing this for a reason. As you will all be aware I am a ‘heavy sweater’ and I also struggle with muscle spasms/ cramp. Many think that dehydration and a loss of electrolyte contributes to cramp, however, there is no definite proof of this! So, on a really hot morning I set out on a hilly 18 mile route running at a steady pace with no liquid. My only concession was 2 x SIS GO gels. I was running fasted (no breakfast) so I need to make sure I had some energy to finish the session.
Results? - No cramp and no muscle stress.
The only ‘problem’ I encountered was some dizziness at mile 17. This obviously was dehydration. I expected that and to be honest considering the heat and my sweat rate, I was surprised it didn’t happen sooner.
For me, this test was really important. It conforms for me that if I want to run well either at pace or over long distances, I need my muscles to be as fresh as possible.
On a race note, this weekend I would have been heading out to South Africa with Niandi. This trip was a ‘double’ trip. It would have given me the opportunity to run the iconic ‘Comrades Ultra Marathon’ but importantly it would have allowed me to see Niandi’s ‘home’ and obviously meet her family. This was meant to be ‘our’ trip! Sometimes you just have to make the choice ‘not’ to do something... in this case it has been a really tough choice but the current economic situation in the UK just doesn’t allow me the luxury to be in SA. So, Niandi leaves Paris at 11pm tonight on the red-eye to Joburg without me. Needless to say I am a little upset... next time eh!!
Clients are very much in training at the moment. Many (too many) have been hit by this very tough cold bug. It has been a really bad bug meaning that rest is the only option. Always a tough call for us sporty types. However, without the rest the virus will never go, so, be patient.... This coming weekend is a bank holiday. Julie Deadman is racing a 10k, James Watkins will be running Chester Marathon and Cat Archer will be running Comrades. Good luck and best wishes to all ;-)
Finally, I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I have been playing around with running shoes. I mentioned the ‘Nike Lunar’ range. These shoes I have to say have been a revelation.... they are extremely interesting from many aspects. Firstly, weight! They are the lightest shoes I have tried. Secondly, cushioning is superb offering a ‘springy’ return with every stride. Thirdly, dynamic support suits runners with either a neutral, over or under pronation gait. The ‘Lunarfoam’ adapts to your run style. Fourthly, the range is extensive and because it uses the same technology it is easy to have training, tempo and race shoes in the same ‘style’. Got to say I LOVE EM !! before you ask, NO, I am not sponsored by NIKE. Just thought I would pass on the revelation.
Have a great week and in particular I send out a BIG HUG and BIG BEST WISHES to Niandi, her sister and her family for the coming Comrades Marathon. It will be an eventful and memorable day. I will be with you in thoughts and on the internet – all my love ;-)
Good luck to Niandi and her sister (and Cat). Run well all.