Paris Marathon. One of my favourites and my 4th outing on a course that weaves its way around this beautiful city. This in many respects was a low key event for 'runwild runfree' with just 3 coaching clients coming over for the race. Should have been more but that 'running injury' cropped up and it unfortunately spoilt a few plans.

For those of you who don't know.
The race starts on the Champs Elysee and then heads out of the city running past the Place de la Concorde, The Louvre, The Hotel de Ville, Bastille and then heads out of Paris into a park area before re tracing into the city to join the Seine running past Notre Dame, Musse D'Orsay, the Eiffel Tower and then finally by passing Longchamp race course via the Bois de Boulogne before finishing on the reverse side of the 'Arc'. It really is a beautiful race.

Of course one of the benefits of a race in Paris is that you can enjoy some great food - we did! The weather came good on Saturday and apparently it would appear that the weather also came good in the UK. However, given the choice I would still rather be in Paris! sorry folks. Race morning was a little dull to start with a wind. We arrived on the Champs Elysee at 7:45 with an hour to race start. We quickly dived into 'Chez Clement' and made an espresso last 45 min so that we didn't have to stand in the chilly wind.
Leaving the cafe, we said our goodbyes and wished each other luck. I was going to the sub 3 hr pen. Cat Archer was in sub 3:30. Julie Deadman in sub 3:45 and Richard Fluck in sub 4. You have to remember that the field is only a little smaller than London. If I remember correctly, some 35,000 were toeing the line.
So the race!

Obviously I can give you an insight into my race and an overview of the other guys. With luck, Cat, Richard or Julie may offer a different perspective.
I had a great start. By the end of the Champs Elysee I was running at my pace and felt comfortable. I was running 6:30's to go for a new PB. I was a little nervous about the challenge ahead as only 3 weeks earlier I had 'trashed' my legs at the 80km EcoTrail de Paris. However, over the last three weeks I had rested, got massages, reduced my training volume and upped the speed. I felt fresh BUT it would all depend how the legs handled the final 10k?
I went through 5k in 20:44 and 10k in 41:27 - perfect. Pacing was even and I was feeling really good. I had little congestion to contend with and the weather was sunny, appx 15 degrees with a wind. At 15k I went through in 01:01:49. My pacing was spot on. I was feeling relaxed and comfortable. I took a few sips of water every 5k but my main fuel/energy came from an SIS 'Go' gel every 30 min.
The half marathon marker was coming and I was keen to go through here in 1:25 as deep down I was looking for a sub 2:50 PB (optimistic!?). The timing mats came and I went through in 01:26:16. It was good. I was worried. I was feeling good and to be honest, today, that was my pace. I doubt I could have gone faster with enough gas left for the second half. I was now on my favourite part of the course as you drop to the banks of the Seine. In-front Notre Dame with the Eiffel Tower tempting you in the distance. On this stretch you have to navigate some long tunnels. I lost gps signal several times and when I finally got a signal back my Garmin was confused. I was running on feel and cadence count anyway so I was not worried. 25k in 01:42:13 and then 30k (in front of the Eiffel Tower) in 2:02:48. I was bang on consistent. Basically running 5k's in just over 20 mins.
At this point you are at 18 miles and it is quite funny how the wall appears for so many. Runners started to drop with cramp and just general fatigue. I could now feel my legs but this run was all about having a go...if I blew up, I blew up. To be honest, aerobically I was absolutely fine. If I had a problem it would be my legs! 35k 02:23:40. Another 20 min 5k. In the Bois de Boulogne with 4 k to go the legs started to scream. I pushed on, my mid was playing tricks. You know how it is; 'go on, have a walk, you've deserved it'. I blocked the devil out and pushed on. I had slowed, not drastically, but I had slowed. I was now around 7 min miles. It was tough but as long as I didn't give in I would be fine and PB. I entered the finish and upped the pace to sprint in (felt like sprinting anyway) for 02:53:55. Really pleased. It was a 2 min PB over last year and all in all a really pleasing race. I was happy with my form and I feel it was a real confidence boost to go sub 2:50 at Venice later in the year. My plan is to be more specific and more focussed on 'one' marathon for that race. I am sure with a specific approach I can improve and improve. BUT I love racing and I love challenges, so, I am not going to get too focussed just yet!!

So the other guys? Cat finished with a PB 3:22:37 having enjoyed a really great day out on a beautiful course. Cat also had run the 80km EcoTrail de Paris so a great result. However<>
Finally Julie Deadman (Miss PB girl) had one of those days that anyone would want to forget. In great form and running well within PB pace she was tripped at midway. Her race then fell apart. Liz Yelling knows all about this so perspective is needed. Anyway, Julie had a bad day. She now needs to pick herself up, sort out any potential injury and come back with a PB later in the year. You can do it Julie, you know you can and importantly so do all your friends.
Next on the calendar is London Marathon in just 2 weeks.... mmmm how will my legs feel?
Well clearly the blogspot gremlins have affected my race story, just as some gremlins got ino my race plan :)
ReplyDeleteMany congratulations Ian. You are amazing and crazy! Sadly no running for me. Had to pull out of London Marathon on Dr's orders - chronic back pain. Hope to be fit for next year. Charity holding my place. Good luck for London.
ReplyDeleteSumi x
Richard, sorry. You are right, the blogspot gremlins have erased your story... go on, fill us in yourself. Ian
ReplyDeleteTo spare everyone my ravings if they want to avoid them you can find my race report at