For once, the last 7 days have been relatively quiet. Post the EcoTraill de Paris I spent a few days in Paris working on plans for the 2011 edition of the race and basically recovering. My legs were shot post the race with the worst 'doms' I have had in some time. This was not all due to the race! Basically the 'runwild runfree' training camp and lots of cycling had given my legs a bit of a shock. I therefore went into the race with a certain amount of muscle fatigue. The race itself tipped me over the edge. However, I loved the EcoTrail de Paris and from the moment when I started to run my own race (mile 20) I enjoyed the suffering in my own company. Sometimes you need that isolation. It makes one focus and it also makes you dig deep. Primary concern has been to recover and get ready for Paris Marathon on April 11th and London Marathon on April 25th. I want to use all the endurance gained in the first quarter of 2010 and beat my PB at Paris. It is touch and go at the moment.... my legs will need to be very fresh for this. Aerobically I am fine. Infact, aerobically I am really fit at the moment. Two massages post EcoTrail and the legs are coming back but still not perfect.
I managed to set myself back a step at the weekend! I was working with Yelling Performance at a VLM coaching day at Dorney Lake. On Saturday we had a two hour coached run which I was leading. In the past, most of the clients have been 4 hour marathon runners at best with the odd 3:30 runner. Saturday we had a guy who was going for sub 3. So after my 3 mile set up lap, I then ran 12 miles at 6:45 pace followed with a 3 mile break down lap. So, 18 miles in total and 12 of those at 'pace'. Boy did my legs know I had done it. It also made me realize that although the engine was great at this pace, my legs had not recovered enough to maintain it. So, RnR and easy running planned for the lead in to Paris.
It has not all been all work though. I managed to see one of my heroes, 'Peter Gabriel' twice in the last week. It all sounds a little Rock 'n' Roll but Niandi and myself saw him Monday at Paris 'Bercy' and then on Saturday night I saw him at the 'O2 Arena' after spending the day coaching. Two really special nights and as a departure, PG played with a Symphony Orchestra, all part of his new 'scratch my back' project. It was amazing to hear some of the classics re worked by John Metcalfe to a stunning classical arrangement. Can you see me? I was in the 4th row directly in front of PG.

Clients have had a relatively quiet week too.... many are recovering post EcoTrail, others are tapering for Paris and one or two others are getting ready for VLM. Another big issue has been injury. I have never quite had a period like the last 2-4 weeks for clients getting 'issues'. Some of them just minor niggles, others a little more serious. For those concerned they are focussing on recovery and making sure that they rehab properly and do not come back too quick. So if you have an injury, don't worry! It happens to all of us. Just keep focused and keep perspective. If you struggle with this, take a look at the video clip in the post below.
One piece of great news is that Richard Whitehead (coached by Liz Yelling and attendee at the RWRF Lanza camp) broke the Half Marathon World Record for a double amputee at Reading in 01:14:59. Superb effort Rich. Looks like that new marathon WR is on track for Rotterdam. Check Richard out: http://www.marathonchamp.com/
Have you got any news? Would love to hear from you. Either comment below or drop me an email at runwild.runfree.uk@gmail.com
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