It's October and I am tired. It has been a long season and I am currently trying to re-focus the mind and body for Venice Marathon on the 24th.
Last week I was recovering from the 100km in Millau. I have to say, I have never felt so good after a 100k. I recovered very quickly and just 48hrs afterwards I was back to running twice a day. Of course I kept the distance down and the intensity easy, however, I did lengthen my runs at the weekend to 8 miles. In total I covered just over 40 miles.
This week I have put 'one more' endurance week in with 3 speed sessions. Again I have tried twice a day but I can feel my body is craving that 2 week rest.
I am very concious that although I have raced all year, Venice is really where I am going to put myself on the line and really push the pace. I have repeatedly said that for me Venice will be glory, a dnf or a time that goes beyond 3 hours!
Why one of the three options? Well, I have to push to see what I can achieve. I plan to be on the edge and when you are on the edge you can fall off. With luck over the next two weeks I can ease back, taper, rest and get mentally focused for the challenge that lies in Italy.
This challenge is not just mine. Niandi will be running after a tiring Millau. Since the race we have looked into several factors that would or could have affected Niandi's performance and we have conclusive results; low Iron! Niandi's levels are ridiculously low, so, we are looking at a series of treatments to get these levels at a required level for running. Richard Fluck is once again toeing the line and is desperate for that 'sub 4' after missing the target by seconds in Paris. Max Bonzo and his wife will also be joining us. Max lives in Spain but is Italian, so, we will be relying on him for all translations.
Future Targets
Apologies if I now get a little emotional. I often wonder how much I should include in a blog. For me, it is a form of therapy but also a way to discuss training, races and the implications they all have on my life.
It is important to remember though, that it is 'only running'. However, running is a massive part of my life and without it I don't think I would be the person I am. I have met so many friends, I met Niandi running, I have my coaching clients and all that they achieve and I also have the wonderful holidays and the locations that running takes me.
Earlier this year I should have gone to Comrades in South Africa. It was an important race for many reasons. It is Niandi's home race and one that she has done 12 times, her father loves the race and watches it but also her sister was running this year. If I haven't already mentioned, Manya (Niandi's Sister) ran this years Comrades in remission from breast cancer. Obviously Niandi wanted to run the race to support her. For me, I wanted to support Niandi but I also wanted to meet Manya and her family, also, I wanted to run the iconic ultra.
I remember watching the live feed for 12 hours and posting updates on Facebook. I was following other friends who were in the race, I was relieved when Niandi finished and then I was glued waiting for Manya. As it happened, Manya finished well inside the 12 hour cut off with over 30 mins to spare. Boy was it emotional.
For me, this is what running is about. It is about making decisions that not only make your life but define your life. For me, Manya was a star.
Post Comrades Manya complained of fatigue which is obviously understandable. We knew the race would fatigue her and we knew she would need to be careful with recovery. It turns out that Manya was increasingly having problems with breathing. Doctors assured her it was okay. Then we were informed in August it was fluid on the lung.
It turns out that the cancer has returned and unfortunately it has returned to the lungs.
I don't need to say more BUT I will be at Comrades in 2011. I may not be able to afford going but I will get to 'SA' one way or the other. I may even make it for the weekend but I will run the race and I will run it for Manya and for Breast Cancer. I may even run it dressed in a full pink outfit if somebody really wants to tempt me with a really generous donation. I have set up a donation page with Virgin. Your help would be more than appreciated:
Julie Deadman another 'PB'

Really enjoyed the Royal Parks today - London did us proud. 12,500 runners but the starting funnels worked well and it seemed most people stuck to where they had been allocated (apart from the one person from the plus 2 hours start that was walking at mile one!!).
Some parts are a bit tight through the parks but there were signs warning that the course was narrowing so time to think ahead and work out a route. Support was amazing all the way round and it does make a difference. The course does undulate a fair bit and there are a few changes of terrain. Felt really dodgy at about 4 miles when I had just taken my first gel and I think I swallowed too much water too quickly!!! I carried on and thankfully it passed, but I didn't have another gel then until 9 miles and only had a few more sips of water.Things started to get tough between miles 10 and 11, but I was expecting it and just a case of hanging on. Nothing like the sight of the Albert Hall coming into view in the autumn sunshine to give you a bit of inspiration!!! Plus, at that stage, I was starting to pass a lot of people, which is great in terms of motivation.
Really pleased to get the PB but I'm more satisfied with the even pacing right the way through the race, having had 2 "bad patches".
Have done the ice bath since I've come home to try and help recovery and my knee seems OK. It was a great sight watching everyone trying to get down the broken escalator at Knightsbridge tube station on the way back!!!!
All good stuff for Nice-Cannes in 5 weeks, just hoping the endurance will be there.........
Hope you are enjoying the sunshine,
Best wishes, Julie
We all need to pay the bills, we all need to look after our families and one thing is for sure, we will all one day be gone..... I don't want to be morbid but having spent the last 2 years dealing with my Fathers early passing away and now Manya's illness, I want to make sure that we all live for today.... don't wait to do things. Don't get to a point in your life and say 'I wish I had.....? DO IT and do it as soon as you can; carpe diem